I came up with this hiatus when I realized that I don't actually like this comic.
I mean, I like the ideas, and I like Goin' Nowhere, I just don't like induvidual comics.
So, I'm taking a break to improve on various things, particulary wrighting.
Oh, and maybe the site.
Plus I have a few other projects I want to work on.

So, I give up. I'm just going to pretend that time between November 4th and 17th never happened.
Maybe if I get some extra time, I'll come back and fill it up.

I've got some ideas, but no promises.

So, Obama won.
I really feel like I should say something.
And I just did.

In other news, this comic is rife with errors and laziness.
So it's actually a little better than usual.

For an extra bonus comic, look at only the last panel and imagine I'm saying something witty about Japan. Or something.
Crap, I don't know, I'm tired.

Guess what you're not getting tonight!
Sorry. Homework and crap is swamping me.
But I've got the next few comics written, and now I just need to make them.
Should be done this week.

I only did one today.
Catching up could take a while.

No new comics for the weekend.
I'll try to catch up on sunday, but it might take a while.
So I might behind for a while.
Bear with me.

There is a second gaming reference. Find it! (I made it pretty obvious)
First one gets a prize.
2nd Hint: Portal jokes are overdone and no longer funny.

This comic seemed funnier in my head.

So, I've been updating, but not much else. I've updated the logo, character descriptions, and added the link to the other Going Nowhere
Now I'm going to bed.
P.S. My excuse is that it is "Going Nowhere" whereas this is technically "Goin' Nowhere"
That's makes it legally distinct, acorrding to my lawyer.
He lives in my head.

Holy technical difficulties, Batman!
Comic Genesis server is bieng an ass. Proly' somethin' I did though.
On top of that, various other non-technical difficulties have arisen.
At this rate, you might want to tell your children to look for the surprise because you'll be dead.
Oh yeah, and school. Don't forget school.
P.S. Those wierd symbols in the top right corner of panel 4 is the comic name. Webdings 1, if you really feel the need to decipher it

So... Surprise, not today so much.
I got caught up in a show and just barely made the comic in time.
Plus, I'm still not sure if I have the time with school and all.
Time will tell. Or not. It depends how much you pay him, and he's a greedy ass.

Yay! New moniter!
Yay! Actual proper colour!
Yay! Fixed typo!
Did I mention yay?
Okay, lame jokes aside, more atention is going to be payed to this site. I've eaten through my buffer, so I'll actually have to make a comic every day. Might be a few stutters.
So, more fourth wall breaking. Will the hilarity ever end. Yes.
I'll be posting some stuff relating to a surprise coming up in a little while.
Maybe. Depends if I think I can pull it off. It will take a lot of time, and school starts tomorrow. Oh joy.
In other news, awesome moniter is awesome.

So, my monitor is broken. Not completley broken, but the colors are all messed up. That means making things that involve colors (Such as the character page for the guy's brother) impossible. Trying to get a new one. See ya.

I'm back, character page is updated, yadda yadda.

Hey. I'm going out of town for a bit. Camping, actually.
So only comics are going to update.
That's it, just a heads up.

Hey. I just uploaded a comic dated for July 13th, 2009.
That's right. Even if I quit right now, a comic will still update for my one year anniversary.
Pretty cool, huh?
Let's see if my attention span has any hope of lasting that long.
The smart money's on the negitive.

I just watched Dr. Horribles sing along blog.
Definitley worth a look.
Oh, just one more thing. These comics will become more organized.
These were all made a while ago, but the ones I'm making now have a standard format.
So, something to look forward to.

So, I just found out there's another comic called "Going Nowhere"
I'm a little conflicted. Do I change? Does it really matter? Should I even tell the maker of that comic?
I'll think about it.

So... I've updated the cast page. Good for me, uh?
Sorry it took so long. I've been busy.
Yeah, new character, yadda yadda.
I'm done.